Welcome to Brainfuse’s Summer Skills Camp!
The dreaded “summer slide,” when students lose academic skills over the summer, is one of the most significant causes of the academic achievement gap. We created our Skills Camp to provide students in grades 3-12 with opportunities to stay engaged over the summer through live tutoring, mini lessons, and activities in Math, Science, and Writing.
The purpose of the Skills Camp is not to provide a comprehensive survey of each academic topic - our SkillSurfer is more suited to that - or to overwhelm students with information, but to focus on areas that are academically significant, generated the most tutoring questions over the course of the school year, and do not require a significant time commitment over summer vacation. Research shows that even spending a small amount of time on academics over the course of the summer makes a difference.
Live Help Available: While some students might find it helpful to go through the materials without assistance, please note that each component offers the option of getting help from our live online tutors.
Get Started: From the Harborfields Library homepage select Brainfuse HelpNow, sign in with your library card number and then simply click on Summer Camp. Or select the link below to go directly to the Brainfuse login page.
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