Saturday, February 20th from 10:00am-12:00pm
Meet at the Elwood Cinemas movie theater at 9:45 AM
Are you a fan of Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians series? If so, we would like to invite all students in grades 6 -12 to be our guest for a private screening of the new movie, The Lightning Thief at the Elwood Cinemas. Everyone who registers will receive a free movie ticket, a voucher for a small popcorn and small soda, and a raffle ticket for a few special give-aways! Parental permission forms must be signed and returned to Mr. Cooper before February 20th. All students must be dropped off at the movie theater by 9:45 AM and picked up by a parent or guardian by 12 noon. Mr. Cooper looks forward to spending this magical mythical morning with you! Please call the Reference Desk to register.
oh mr cooper we signed up for this. pretty cool. thanks
oh love this series, thanks
I Saw it for a fieldtrip on friday hope all going have a awesome time i loved it
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