Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer Reading Club Book Review: A Royal Match

Name: Kelly S.
Author: Tyne O'Connell
Review: This is the story of California-native Calypso Kelly who goes to a Catholic, all-girls, boarding school in England. Calypso longs to be accepted by the popular crowd and she  hatches a plan to do so. Right when Calypso finally becomes popular, she finds herself falling for Prince Freddie, the heir to the British throne, as well as Billy, a very good fencer, who both go to Eades, the all-boys boarding school neighboring her school. Now she must figure out which guy she likes more while still keeping up with her new friendships. This was a very fun and interesting novel that includes two stories inside: "Pulling Princes" and "Stealing Princes".
Rating: 4 out of 5

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